Showing posts with label Bussiness Card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bussiness Card. Show all posts

Special Accents For Your Business Card

7:58 AM

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You may have heard all about how to design a good business card. I am sure a lot of people emphasized on the right color to use in business card printing. They may suggest using special pictures and images. Some may have suggested the right type of layout, the various fonts and font sizes to use and how online business card printing can benefit you. However, few people ever discuss how to really make your business card printing stand out. Oh, most people might say an eye-catching design is enough. But the problem is, everybody will be using an eye-catching design. When every color business card is “unique” with special colors and images, then who really will stand out among the rest? The answer is simple. The people with business card “accents” will be remembered.

Adding an accent or accessory to your business card is the key in standing out. Not everyone really considers adding accessories to their custom business cards. They are different, and may be even a little risky. However, if implemented well these accents will have people remember your name. Below are a few accents people have thought of to improve their business card.

The Scented Business card
Have you heard that smell is connected to memory? It is true. When you smell an old toy glove, or your old clothes, or even your childhood room, I bet all those memories come flooding in. The same is true if you put a scent to your business card. Of course always use a lovely scent in your business card. It may be a floral accent, or you can even explore possibilities and put in a vanilla or mint scent. This unique idea fixes your name and your card to the memory of the receiver with a smell associated with it. You’ll have your business contacts thinking, “I remember this business card with a mint smell, I think it was a supplier. Really unique, maybe we should check him out?”

Business card textures
You can add some texture to your business card as well. The skin is your body’s biggest sense organ and when it senses textures it automatically tries to identify it. If you have your business card printed in a special textured paper it will stand out from the rest. When people receive this special business card, they will feel the difference in texture and pay a little more attention to the card. This few moments of extra attention can be good for you to be remembered when it counts.

Embossed letters
Lastly, you can also use embossed letters. Like textures, embossed letters let’s people “sense” the business card in a different way when compared to other normal business cards. Have you seen people look at embossed letters and try to feel them? It is almost an unconscious gesture. People will always try to read characters that are embossed and feel them. So why not use this advantage to your custom business cards? The attention to detail in making these cards will convey an image to the receiver that you take everything you do seriously and with special attention. Hopefully they will think this also applies to your business practices and contact you.

Those are a few of the special accents people add to their color business cards. Be the first to use them in your business circle. It will your key to recognition.
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